Our SPANGLE is the latest trend in apparel BLING!! They are flat, sort of like a sequin, but they don't have that not so attractive hole in the middle. They sparkle, bling and shine just like rhinestones but they are LEAD FREE, unlike rhinestones. No worries about the little ones choking on them either (unlike rhinestones)...our SPANGLE is safe for small children and even babies! You can do all your daily activities in SPANGLE! You can workout in it, play ball, dance, cheer, flip, clean house and even sleep comfortably in your trendy SPANGLE bling. SPANGLE is soft so they won't scratch you or get caught on something causing them to fall off. We can SPANGLE your Tees, Tanks, Leggings, Jeans, Shorts, Tote Bags, Cinch Bags, Wine Bags and so much more! You can even bling out some super cute pet apparel using our transfers!! If you are in need of just the transfer itself or have any questions about our SPANGLE products please feel free to message us :)
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